Easy Ride Bookings with Ola

Gepubliceerd op 25 mei 2021 om 20:49

Cabs are the preferable way for transport these days, and Ola is one of the most preferred platforms. Ola was launched back in 2010, and it has been ten years since its successful operation. It was found only as a ridesharing company but eventually has evolved more than this and has started its services in multiple sectors.

Being such a renowned platform, you need to beware before scrolling to their online websites and links. Many people are out there with duplicate websites, waiting to earn money illegally; Ola Customer Care Number is the hot topic for them.


Scroll to some of the App or website facts you need to be aware of before clicking any of the random links.


How to Book a Ride?


You can easily book your cab ride with ola, either from their App or from the official website. all you need to do is enter your existing location and the one you want to travel for. After this, you need to select the type of vehicle you want to ride in, a luxurious one or the economical one.


The App has multiple options depending on the locality and availability of drivers. After entering all the essential information, the App will provide you with the nearest driver details and cab details and give an in-app option to chat with him for further clarifications. Your total amount will also be estimated and displayed on the screen before the ride starts.


Points to remember before the ride starts:


You need to be aware of some points before seated in the cab, as this will ensure your safety measures on your end.


Always check the number plate and cab driver details before starting the ride.

Ola strictly denies sharing the OTP with anyone, as it can be misused and later will be the reason for chaos.

Do check that your drover has followed all the regulations instructed to him by the company.

If you find any flaw in your ride, you may write up your suggestions instantly on the App.


After this pandemic, you need to ensure that the driver follows all the rules and regulations imposed by the government for your safety concerns. Ensure that he is wearing a shield and mask and properly sanitizes his vehicle before any new ride. Maintain advised distance from your driver.


Privacy Issues:


There have been a lot of queries on Ola privacy issues. On their official website, the company has mentioned all the essential facts you need to know about them. They have said that they consistently work for your smooth rides and experience. They have also asked their customer to be aware of online frauds. We often link our debit or credit cards with Ola Payment methods for easy payments. They have mentioned not to share your OTP and passwords with anyone, as this might put your entered information at risk.


They have strictly denied calling on any of the Ola customer care number listed online, as they are not associated with the same. Also, the company has asked not to entertain any incoming calls from ola customer care executives requesting OTP as they have mentioned that they do not call their customers for the same. After sharing your OTP, you give the customer full access to your ola money account and wallet, which might be risky.


Also, they have asked not be answer any calls asking or explaining promotional offers or any messages sharing any links for the same. All the website offers are displayed while booking a ride, and Ola has clearly said that they will never share their promotional offers on text or call.




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